Antique Wall Clock, I Want One

posted by Rechie on , ,

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Do you have any antique items inside your house like a wall clock? If not, do you wish to own one? Well, we do not have any antiques here in the house that's why I do want to own one, at least. I want either a grandfather's or a grandmother's clock. Or if not, I am fine with having only a simple antique wall clock as long as it chimes. It would be nice to have one or two of those rare antiques, wouldn't it? But a simple antique wall clock will surely be enough to add more drama to our already dramatic house.
These antiques are quite hard to find though as to what the name implies, antique. Sometimes the cost of a single antique can be very expensive. The cost usually causes me to fall back when it comes to buying antiques either online of offline. I remember I came across into a site that sells antiques before. The site only sells clock though of different sizes and styles, antique or new. It has all the antique and new clocks you ever wanted including grandfather's and grandmother's clock, wall clocks, mantel clock, cuckoo clock and some more. There is one that I like. It is a new clock but looks quite similar to the antique one.

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