SEKC Alumni 2010 Batch 2003 T-shirt

posted by Rechie on

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This was our batch T-shirt during our high school's grand alumni homecoming last December 30, 2010. I promised hubby to show him the design, which is just very simple. This is our very first batch t-shirt. Luckily, after several years of having no batch t-shirt, we finally have last year. This will be the start of our batch t-shirt collection. We send our heartfelt thanks to the secret sponsor. 

P.S. I know I haven't posted a lot lately but I am not neglecting my blogs. I just have no time for there are a lot things going on lately. We are currently in a mourning mood due to a lose of a family but sorry, I don't want to talk about that sad news here in my blog. I hope you will not count my absence. I'll surprise you all with posts when I officially be back on blogging.  I wish you all a great New Year!

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