I Am the 366 BPC Host for the Month of April

posted by Rechie on

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For those who do not know yet, I am this month’s host of 366 Blog Photo Challenge, a daily photo meme that was started by Demcy hosted at her Me & My Passion. I hosted it over at Blogger’s Notes, my new self-hosted blog powered by WordPress. The main purpose of the said daily meme is for bloggers to update their blogs daily. It is a very easy meme where you post a photo old and new with a few lines of explanation about the photo or whatever you feel like writing. You can as well be playful by taking a picture daily and sharing it to the meme.

Each blogger can only submit one entry per day to avoid confusion in commenting. You can post your entries using your different blogs but only one blog/entry can be submitted a day. This meme can help your new blog, if you have any, gain popularity and traffic in the world wide web. So come and join 366 Blog Photo Challenge everyday. Visit Blogger’s Notes now and submit your entry for today. We are now on our 96th day. Be part of the daily photo challenge!

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