Pig Witch

posted by Rechie on ,

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It feels so "Halloween" here now in our place as the rumor about the witch who disguises himself as a pig is widely spread. I've heard about this rumor from my cousin and grandma three days ago when I accompany them to the padasal (prayer session to a dear relative who departed), wherein grandma led the 9-day prayer session. The story was not really told in detail as they as well just heard it.

Here goes the story:

It was said that a witch that disguised himself as a pig got into a house in a nearby village one night. It was not told what time of the night it was. Of course, seeing an astray animal in the house, the first thing to do is to push it out and ask the neighbors of its owner. But it was said the pig was defiant and vehement to get in the house, which scared the whole family. The head of the house then picked a stick and beaten the pig but to their panic, the pig turned into a human.  End of story.

I was curious if the said witch got away or it hurt the people in the said house. I am not hoping for the latter definitely. I did hope it was captured and was justly punished, if ever it was true. Or if it got away, meaning it was a good creature and didn't mean any harm to the people.

Tonight, I heard of it again. We are warned to be extra watchful at night. Gosh, I am having bad goosebumps right now! I do hope it isn't true or if it is, I hope the creature is a friend.

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